Groves, Maisie Clugston

From collection Member List

Groves, Maisie Clugston
Maisie Clugston was born and educated in Vancouver, British Columbia, where she attended the University of British Columbia and was initiated in Alpha Phi chapter. During her collegiate years, Maisie served as chapter president and attended the Lake Placid Convention in 1936. After graduating with a degree in nursing, she worked as a registered nurse at Vancouver General Hospital, where she earned additional nursing degrees in teaching and supervision.

From 1945 to 1950, Maisie was president of the Vancouver alumnae chapter. She then served as province alumnae chairman for Province XI from 1951 to 1955, before being elected second vice president of Delta Gamma in 1956, a position she held until 1960. She was elected president of Delta Gamma in 1962 and served until 1966.

Related Items

Delta Gamma Convention Scrapbook, Page 52
Delta Gamma Convention Scrapbook, Page 52
This page contains an ice-breaker bingo-type game played with names of those traveling on the convention train.