From collection Delta Gamma Archive Collection
Delta Gamma Forty-Fifth Biennial Convention Presidents' Dinner and Presentation of Awards Program, June 21, 1972
This document provides the program for the Presidents' Dinner and Biennial Awards Banquet at the 1972 Convention, as well as information about the featured awards.
Alumnae Awards
Awards Banquets
Centennial Toast
Collegiate Awards
Collumnae Award
Convention Awards Banquets
Creative Programming Award
Delta Gamma Grace (Prayer)
Founders Award
Frankie Ladley Wakefield Parnassus Award
Fraternity Chairs of Awards
George Banda Awards
Honors and Awards
Membership Awards
Outstanding Canadian Chapter Award
Outstanding Chapter Awards
Roberta Abernethy Award
Awards Banquets
Centennial Toast
Collegiate Awards
Collumnae Award
Convention Awards Banquets
Creative Programming Award
Delta Gamma Grace (Prayer)
Founders Award
Frankie Ladley Wakefield Parnassus Award
Fraternity Chairs of Awards
George Banda Awards
Honors and Awards
Membership Awards
Outstanding Canadian Chapter Award
Outstanding Chapter Awards
Roberta Abernethy Award
Andrews, Ethel Baker
Bingham, Florence Cornell
Briggs, Sara Foster
Byars, Helen Russell
Carpenter, Imogene Hand
Ehrman, Carolyn Beardsley
Ellington, Anna Boyd
Ellsworth, Fanchon
Flanner, Isabel Brown
Flohill, Florence Cornelius
Garten, Blanche
Groves, Maisie Clugston
Halsted, Mary MacHarg
Howard, Nina
Hudson, Lillie Wohlleben
Hunt, Caroline
Jones, Katherine McDonald
Kloppenburg, Elizabeth Coffinberry
Marsh, Emma Goddard
Preston, Helen Million
Simmons, Edith Updegraff
Smith, Edith Taylor
Smith, Rose
Strickland, Marcia Connell
Updegraff, Alice Lamb
Warthin, Katherine Angell
Wildasin, Dorothy Knight
Winant, Marguerite
Zeublin, Aurora Fisk
Bingham, Florence Cornell
Briggs, Sara Foster
Byars, Helen Russell
Carpenter, Imogene Hand
Ehrman, Carolyn Beardsley
Ellington, Anna Boyd
Ellsworth, Fanchon
Flanner, Isabel Brown
Flohill, Florence Cornelius
Garten, Blanche
Groves, Maisie Clugston
Halsted, Mary MacHarg
Howard, Nina
Hudson, Lillie Wohlleben
Hunt, Caroline
Jones, Katherine McDonald
Kloppenburg, Elizabeth Coffinberry
Marsh, Emma Goddard
Preston, Helen Million
Simmons, Edith Updegraff
Smith, Edith Taylor
Smith, Rose
Strickland, Marcia Connell
Updegraff, Alice Lamb
Warthin, Katherine Angell
Wildasin, Dorothy Knight
Winant, Marguerite
Zeublin, Aurora Fisk
Adelphi University
Butler University
Indiana University
Kent State University
Lawrence University
Lewis School
Louisiana State University
Miami University
Northwestern University
Stanford University
Swarthmore College
University of British Columbia
University of California, Berkeley
University of Colorado
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska
University of Texas
University of Wisconsin
Wittenberg University
Butler University
Indiana University
Kent State University
Lawrence University
Lewis School
Louisiana State University
Miami University
Northwestern University
Stanford University
Swarthmore College
University of British Columbia
University of California, Berkeley
University of Colorado
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska
University of Texas
University of Wisconsin
Wittenberg University