Do Good

Beta Tau Chapter Public Relations Chairman Maureen Slater, Beta Tau-Miami (Florida), reports on the success of the first ever Anchor Splash.
Anchor Splash
In February 26, 1966, to celebrate its 20th anniversary, Beta Tau chapter at the University of Miami organized an event of pool-related competitions, ranging from traditional swim races to "get-the-oranges-out-of-the-pool" and inner-tube races. This first Anchor Splash was a great success, with the proceeds going to the Delta Gamma Foundation. Afterward, Chapter Public Relations Chairman Maureen Slater, Beta Tau-Miami (Florida), wrote to the editor of the ANCHORA, suggesting that other chapters organize their own Anchor Splash to form a campus tradition. Since then, the event has spread to campuses all over North America, becoming one of the most recognized philanthropic fundraisers in the Greek community.