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Helen Russell Byars was the first person to serve simultaneously as the president of Delta Gamma Fraternity (1950–1952) and Foundation.
She studied at the University of Missouri, where she was a president of Mu chapter. She continued her involvement with Delta Gamma after graduation, serving as a Province Secretary from 1940–1946. During the war years, she helped organize alumnae chapters around the country. During this time, Delta Gamma went from 9th to 1st among NPC groups in the number of new alumnae chapters organized. She also helped lead alumnae philanthropic projects, setting the groundwork for the Delta Gamma Foundation.
She was elected to Council as Vice President of Alumnae in 1946 before becoming Fraternity President in 1950. She resigned in order to serve as the Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference and Delta Gamma NPC delegate.
In her honor, the Delta Gamma Foundation established the Helen Russell Byars Memorial Fellowship for 1989–1990.
She studied at the University of Missouri, where she was a president of Mu chapter. She continued her involvement with Delta Gamma after graduation, serving as a Province Secretary from 1940–1946. During the war years, she helped organize alumnae chapters around the country. During this time, Delta Gamma went from 9th to 1st among NPC groups in the number of new alumnae chapters organized. She also helped lead alumnae philanthropic projects, setting the groundwork for the Delta Gamma Foundation.
She was elected to Council as Vice President of Alumnae in 1946 before becoming Fraternity President in 1950. She resigned in order to serve as the Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference and Delta Gamma NPC delegate.
In her honor, the Delta Gamma Foundation established the Helen Russell Byars Memorial Fellowship for 1989–1990.
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